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Becchi, A. (ed. with S. Hoffmann, J. Renn, and M. Valleriani) Leonardo's intellectual Cosmos, Giunti, Florence, 2021 (German edition: Leonardos intellektueller Kosmos, Giunti, Florence, 2021) Becchi, A. Diamanten und Glas: Ein Gespräch in der Werkstatt der Leonardo-Forschung, in: A. Becchi, S. Hoffmann, J. Renn, and M. Valleriani (eds.), Leonardos intellektueller Kosmos, Giunti, Florence, 2021, pp. 331-347 Becchi, A. "Veggiamo se tal fabbrica può reggersi": misurare l'ignoto, secondo natura, in: F. Camerota (ed.), Dall'Inferno all'Empireo. Il mondo di Dante tra scienza e poesia, Sillabe, Livorno, 2021, pp. 56-57 _____________________________________________________________________________ Becchi, A. La Bibliotheca Albana Urbinas nel carteggio tra Bernard M. Peebles e M. Howard Rienstra, in: Studia Oliveriana, IV ser., Vols. V-VI, 2019-2020, pp. 143-166 _____________________________________________________________________________ Becchi, A. (ed., with R. Carvais and J. Sakarovitch) L'Histoire de la construction. Relevé d'un chantier européen / Construction History. Survey of a European Building Site, 2 vols. Paris: Classiques Garnier, 2018 _____________________________________________________________________________ Becchi, A. "I commenti di Daniele Barbaro al Proemio della 'terza parte principale dell'Architettura' (1556-1567)", in: F. Lemerle, V. Zara, P. Caye, L. Moretti (eds.), Daniele Barbaro 1514-1570, Brepols, Turnhout, 2017, p. 187-198. Becchi, A. Naufragi di terra e di mare. Da Leonardo da Vinci a Theodor Mommsen, alla ricerca dei codici Albani. Edizione del manoscritto XIII.F.25, cc. 129-136, della Biblioteca Nazionale di Napoli a cura di Oreste Trabucco. Roma: Edizioni di Storia e Letteratura, 2017 Becchi, A. "La lezione di Salmacide: Vitruvio e il potere delle acque", in: T.G. Schattner, F. Valdés Fernández (eds.), Wasserversorgung in Toledo und Wissensvermittlung von der Antike ins Mittelalter, Ernst Wasmuth Verlag, Tübingen/Berlin, 2017, p. 371-385. _____________________________________________________________________________ Becchi, A. "Learning from falling stones: Autobiografie scientifiche between mechanics and architecture", in: Science et technique en perspective, IIe série, vol. 18, fasc. 2, 2016, p. 3-18. Becchi, A. "Drawing Proofs: lo sguardo cinematico di Robert Willis", in: A. Buchanan, J.W.P. Campbell, J. Girón, S. Huerta (eds.), Robert Willis. Science, Technology and Architecture in the Nineteenth Century. Proceedings of the 'Robert Willis Symposium' (Cambridge UK, Gonville and Caius College, 16th-17th September 2016), Instituto Juan de Herrera, Madrid, 2016, p. 141-165. _____________________________________________________________________________ Becchi, A. "Oltre la 'Scientia de Ponderibus'", in: P. Caye, R. Nanni, & P.D. Napolitani (eds.), Scienze e rappresentazioni: saggi in onore di Pierre Souffrin; Atti del Convegno internazionale (Vinci, Biblioteca Leonardiana, 26-29 settembre 2012), Firenze: Olschki, 2015, p. 389-403. Becchi, A. "Vitruvius zu den Zeiten der reinen Vernunft: Giovanni Poleni, Simone Stratico und ihre Exercitationes", in: U. Hassler (ed.), Der Lehrbuchdiskurs über das Bauen, Zürich: Institut für Denkmalpflege und Bauforschung der ETH Zürich, 2015, p. 78-92. Becchi, A. "Eugene Goostman et les pierres de Saint-Pétersbourg", in: Re-Vue Malaquais, n. 2, 2015, p. 46-49. Becchi, A. (ed., with R. Carvais and J. Sakarovitch) L'Histoire de la construction. Un Méridien européen / Construction History. A European Meridian, Paris: Association francophone d'histoire de la construction, 2015 (www.histoireconstruction.fr) _____________________________________________________________________________ Becchi, A. "Fokus: Die Gestalt der Säule", in: J. Renn, W. Osthues, H. Schlimme (eds.), Wissensgeschichte der Architektur, Berlin: Edition Open Access, 2014, vol. 3, p. 369-396. Becchi, A. "Fokus: Architektur und Mechanik", in: J. Renn, W. Osthues, H. Schlimme (eds.), Wissensgeschichte der Architektur, Berlin: Edition Open Access, 2014, vol. 3, p. 397-428. Becchi, A. "À Joël, le juste", Construction History. International Journal of the Construction History Society, vol. 29, N. 1, 2014, p. ix-xi; Scholion, Bulletin 8, 2014, p. 177-179. . _____________________________________________________________________________ Becchi A. "Looking for an equilibrium point: Wilson, Machiavelli and the King of Siam", in: Construction History, vol. 28, N. 3, 2013, pp. 1-19. Becchi, A. (ed., with D. Bertoloni Meli and E. Gamba) Guidobaldo del Monte (1545-1607). Theory and Practice of the Mathematical Disciplines from Urbino to Europe, Berlin: Edition Open Access, 2013. Becchi, A. "...zoticamente non intendendo le Mechaniche. La scientia aedificandi ai tempi di Guidobaldo del Monte", in: A. Becchi, D. Bertoloni Meli, and E. Gamba (eds.), Guidobaldo del Monte (1545-1607). Theory and Practice of the Mathematical Disciplines from Urbino to Europe, Berlin: Edition Open Access, 2013, p. 241-263. Becchi, A. (ed., with H. Rousteau-Chambon and J. Sakarovitch) Philippe de La Hire (1640-1718). Entre architecture et sciences, Paris: Picard, 2013. Becchi A. "Idées manuscrites, théories imprimées: la mécanique architecturale de Philippe de La Hire", in: A. Becchi, H. Rousteau-Chambon, J. Sakarovitch (eds.), Philippe de La Hire (1640-1718). Entre architecture et sciences, Paris, Picard, 2013, pp. 177-190. Becchi A. "Il bagno di Archimede", in: G. Di Pasquale, C. Parisi Presicce (eds.), Archimede. Arte e scienza dell'invenzione, Firenze, Giunti, 2013, pp. 115-119. Becchi A. "Architectus omnibus armis ornatus. Sind die Waffen des Architekten nur Spielzeuge?", in: Jahrbuch 2012, Braunschweigische Wissenschaftliche Gesellschaft, Braunschweig, J. Cramer Verlag, 2013, pp. 215-225. ____________________________________________________________________________ Becchi A. "Il corpo dell'inventio: Vitruvio interprete di Archimede", in: Horti Hesperidum. Studi di storia del collezionismo e della storiografia artistica, 2012, fasc. 2, pp. 39-60. Becchi A. "La poutre brisée: une question, deux réponses", in: R. Gargiani (dir.), L'architrave, le plancher, la plate-forme. Nouvelle histoire de la construction, Presses polytechniques et universitaires romandes, Lausanne 2012, pp. 316-328. Becchi A. "Ut unum sint: poutres, arcs, plates-bandes", in: R. Gargiani (dir.), L'architrave, le plancher, la plate-forme. Nouvelle histoire de la construction, Presses polytechniques et universitaires romandes, Lausanne 2012, pp. 329-340. _____________________________________________________________________________ Becchi A. "Cantieri d'inchiostro: meccanica teorica e meccanica chirurgica nella seconda metà del Cinquecento", in: G. Curcio, N. Navone, S. Villari (eds.), Studi su Domenico Fontana 1543 – 1607, Silvana Editoriale, Milano 2011, pp. 91-103. _____________________________________________________________________________ Becchi A. "Architecture as a mechanical problem. A 'new' Renaissance manuscript and some old stories", in: A. Sinopoli (ed.), Mechanics and architecture between Epistéme and Techné, Edizioni di Storia e Letteratura, Roma 2010, pp. 97-106. _____________________________________________________________________________ Becchi A. "La doppia vita di una 'mauvaise règle'. La regola di Derand tra Leon Battista Alberti e Simone Stratico", in: P. Cassinello, S. Huerta, J.M. de Prada Poole, R. Sanchéz Lampreave (eds.), Geometry and Proportion in Structural Design. Essays in Ricardo Aroca's Honour, Ed. Lampreave, Madrid 2010, pp. 123-139. _____________________________________________________________________________ Becchi A. "Histoire de la construction: un regard italien", in: R. Carvais, A. Guillerme, V. Nègre, J. Sakarovitch (eds.), Édifice et artifice. Histoires constructives, Picard, Paris 2010, pp. 59-63. _____________________________________________________________________________ Becchi A. "L'asino che vola: architettura, ricerca, metodi tossici", in: E. Rabasa, J. Ibáñez, D. Sanz (eds.), Actas Tercera Jornadas Sobre Investigación en Arquitectura y Urbanismo (Madrid, 17-19 Junio 2009), Mairea Libros, Madrid 2010, pp. XXXIV-XLVII. _____________________________________________________________________________ Schlimme H. "Formensprache und Bauausführung in Italien im 15. - 16. Jahrhundert am Beispiel der Cappella Sforza von Michelangelo und dem Bau kassettierter Wölbungen", in: Koldewey-Gesellschaft. Bericht über die 45. Tagung für Ausgrabungswissenschaft und Bauforschung, Koldewey-Gesellschaft 2010, pp. 51-67. _____________________________________________________________________________ Schlimme H. "Die frühe 'Accademia et Compagnia dell'Arte del Disegno' in Florenz und die Architekturausbildung", in: Entwerfen. Architektenausbildung in Europa von Vitruv bis Mitte des 20. Jahrhunderts, hg. v. Ralph Johannes. Hamburg: Junius, 2009, pp. 326-343. _____________________________________________________________________________ Schlimme H. "Auguste Choisy and the Architecture of Italian Renaissance", in: Javier Girón, Santiago Huerta (eds.), Auguste Choisy (1841-1909). L'architecture et l'art de bâtir. Actas del Simposio Internacional celebrado en Madrid, 19-20 de noviembre de 2009, Instituto Juan de Herrera, Madrid 2009, pp. 387-404. _____________________________________________________________________________ Schlimme H. "Santa Margherita at Montefiascone and Carlo Fontana's knowledge on dome construction", in: Karl-Eugen Kurrer, Werner Lorenz, Volker Wetzk (eds.), Proceedings of the Third International Congress on Construction History, Cottbus, 20th-24th May 2009, Brandenburg University of Technology, Cottbus 2009, vol. 3, pp. 1317-1324. ______________________________________________________________________________ Becchi A. "Uno e trino. Impronte stravaganti di un testimone postumo", in Francesco P. Di Teodoro (ed.), Saggi di letteratura architettonica, da Vitruvio a Winckelmann, Olschki, Firenze 2009, vol. 1, pp. 19-35. ______________________________________________________________________________ Becchi A. "Vitruvius in the Sahara: Auguste Choisy's 'philologie plafonnante'", in: Javier Girón, Santiago Huerta (eds.), Auguste Choisy (1841-1909). L'architecture et l'art de bâtir. Actas del Simposio Internacional celebrado en Madrid, 19-20 de noviembre de 2009, Instituto Juan de Herrera, Madrid 2009, pp. 1-14. ____________________________________________________________________________ Becchi A. "Juxta textum Vitruvii et mentem Newtonii. Das neue Wissen und das «Räthsel der Architektur»", in: Werner Oechslin (ed.), Architekt und/versus Baumeister, gta Verlag, Zürich 2009, pp. 40-49. _____________________________________________________________________________ Becchi A. "Pregnant Columns. From Word to Shape", in: Horst Nowacki, Wolfgang Lefèvre (eds.), Creating Shapes in Civil and Naval Architecture. A Cross-Disciplinary Comparison, Brill, Leiden and Boston 2009, pp. 279-296. Published as preprint in: Horst Nowacki, Wolfgang Lefèvre (eds.), Creating Shapes in Civil and Naval Architecture. A Cross-Disciplinary Comparison, Preprint of the Max Planck Institute for the History of Science, n. 338, Berlin 2007, vol. 2, pp. 129-144. _____________________________________________________________________________ Becchi A. "The Body of the Architect. Flesh, Bones and Forces between Mechanical and Architectural Theories", in: Karl-Eugen Kurrer, Werner Lorenz, Volker Wetzk (eds.), Proceedings of the Third International Congress on Construction History, Cottbus, 20th-24th May 2009, Brandenburg University of Technology, Cottbus 2009, vol. 1, pp. 151-158. _____________________________________________________________________________ Schlimme H. "The Bibliotheca Mechanico-Architectonica. An Open Source Digital Library Between Mechanics and Architecture", in: Construction History Society Newsletter, no. 83, November 2008, pp. 10-11. _____________________________________________________________________________ Becchi A. "Imaginer l'entasis. Constructions, définitions, malentendus dans les traités de la Renaissance", in: Roberto Gargiani (sous la direction de), La colonne. Nouvelle histoire de la construction, Presses polytechniques et universitaires romandes, Lausanne 2008, pp. 149-163. _____________________________________________________________________________ Becchi A. "Les paradoxes (historiographiques) de la vis columnarum", in: Roberto Gargiani (sous la direction de), La colonne. Nouvelle histoire de la construction, Presses polytechniques et universitaires romandes, Lausanne 2008, pp. 203-219. _____________________________________________________________________________ Becchi A. "'Taccia dunque la turba de gli Architetti pratici ...'. Henry Wotton und der Abt von Guastalla", in: Werner Oechslin (ed.), Wissensformen, gta Verlag, Zürich 2008, pp. 100-107. _____________________________________________________________________________ Becchi A. "Bernardino Baldi", in: Noretta Koertge (ed.), The new dictionary of scientific biography, vol. 1, 2008, pp. 166-168. __________________________________________________________________________ Becchi A. "Wusste Galileo davon? Die Architektur als Theatrum pro experimentali philosophia", in: Jahrbuch der Max-Planck-Gesellschaft 2007, digital edition, see www.mpg.de. _____________________________________________________________________________ Schlimme H. "Giovanni Amico commenta i danni della cupola di S. Pietro in Vaticano", in: Lexicon. Storie e architettura in Sicilia, n.3, 2006, p. 57-61. _____________________________________________________________________________ Schlimme, H. (ed.) Practice and Science in Early Modern Italian Building. Towards an Epistemic History of Architecture, Milano: Electa, 2006 Reviewed by Bill Addis in: Construction History Society Newsletter, n.76, 2007, pp. 13-14, Werner Lorenz in: Construction History. Journal of the Construction History Society, vol.22, 2007, pp. 109-110 Federico Bellini in: Il Giornale dell'Architettura, n. 49, März 2007, p. 30 Werner Lorenz in: Bautechnik, n. 2, Februar 2008, p. 160 Anthony Gerbino in: CAA Reviews, September 9, 2008, available online Andrew Hopkins in: The sixteenth century journal, n. 4, Winter 2008, pp. 1165-1166 Michael Mende () in: Technikgeschichte, n. 4, 2008 Contents Bührig C., Kieven E., Renn J., Schlimme H. "Towards an Epistemic History of Architecture" , pp. 7-12. Schlimme H. "Introduction. Practice and science in early modern Italian building", pp. 13-16. Tragbar K. "Italian medieval building practice in contemporary visual representations", pp. 17-30. Conforti C. "Modes and techniques of building on water in 16th-century Rome", pp. 31-42. Louw H. "A window on the past: what the study of historic fenestration practices can tell us about the nature of architecture", pp. 43-51. Camerota F. "Architecture as mathematical science: the case of 'Architectura Obliqua'", pp. 51-60. Schlimme H. "Between architecture, science and technology: the Accademia della Vachia in Florence, 1661-1662", pp. 61-96. Becchi A. "Eggs, turnips and chains: rhetoric and rhetoricians of architecture", pp. 97-112. Publication available as pdf (copyrighted material) Zanchettin V. "Building accounts as architectural drawings. Borromini’s construction practice and the role of Francesco Righi", pp. 113-124. D'Amelio M.G. "Building materials, tools and machinery belonging to the Reverenda Fabbrica di San Pietro, used for building Rome from the late 16th to the late 19th century", pp. 125-136. Marconi N. "Tradition and technological innovation on Roman building sites from the 16th to the 18th century: construction machines, building practice and the diffusion of technical knowledge", pp. 137-152. "The Accademia della Vachia. Critical, commented edition of the unpublished manuscript Fondo Nazionale II_46, Biblioteca Nazionale Centrale, Florence", Schlimme H. (ed.), pp. 155-263. _____________________________________________________________________________ Osthues, E. W. "Studien zum dorischen Eckkonflikt", in: Jahrbuch des Deutschen Archäologischen Instituts (JdI) 120, 2005, de Gruyter, Berlin 2006 (in press), pp. 1–154. _____________________________________________________________________________ Kieven E., Schlimme H. "Bird's eye views - visual axes - scenographic effects: Filippo Juvarra's multi-perspective spatial conception in CAD visualization" Publikation nur als pdf verfügbar _____________________________________________________________________________ Becchi A. "Gewölbebau", in: Friedrich Jaeger (ed.), Enzyklopädie der Neuzeit, J.B. Metzlersche Verlagsbuchhandlung und Carl Ernst Poeschel Verlag, Stuttgart/Weimar 2006, vol. IV, col. 881-884. _____________________________________________________________________________ Becchi A., Corradi M., Foce F., "La fine dell'inizio: 26 Maggio 1980", in: Edoardo Benvenuto, La scienza delle costruzioni e il suo sviluppo storico, Edizioni di Storia e Letteratura, Roma 2006, pp. V-XVIII. Reviewed by Karl-Eugen Kurrer in: Stahlbau, Sept. 2006., n. 6, p. 775. _____________________________________________________________________________ Schlimme H. "Construction Knowledge in Comparison: Architects, Mathematicians and Natural Philosophers Discuss the Damage to St. Peter's Dome in 1743", in: Proceedings of the Second International Congress on Construction History. Queens' College, Cambridge University 29th March - 2nd April 2006. Cambridge: 2006, 3 volumes, p. 2853-2867. Publication available as pdf ____________________________________________________________________________ Becchi A. "Festigkeitslehre", in: Friedrich Jaeger (ed.), Enzyklopädie der Neuzeit, J.B. Metzlersche Verlagsbuchhandlung und Carl Ernst Poeschel Verlag, Stuttgart/Weimar 2006, vol. I, col. 945-948. _____________________________________________________________________________ Fauerbach U. "How to create a capital", in: Königtum, Staat und Gesellschaft früher Hochkulturen, Proceedings of the 5th Tempeltagung in Leuven (in press). _____________________________________________________________________________ Schlimme H. "Bauwissen und Naturphilosophie. Cosimo Noferi, die 'Accademia della Vachia' und Experimente mit Dachkonstruktionen in San Giovannino in Florenz", in: Koldewey-Gesellschaft. Bericht über die 43. Tagung für Ausgrabungswissenschaft und Bauforschung, Koldewey-Gesellschaft 2006, S. 272-280. _____________________________________________________________________________ Becchi A. "Raisons A-symétriques: équilibre des formes et formes de l'équilibre dans la theoria columnarum", in: Patricia Radelet-de Grave (ed.), Symétries, Brepols, Turnhout 2005, pp. 35-61. _____________________________________________________________________________ Becchi A. "Fortuna (e sfortuna) critica del De re aedificatoria di Bernardino Baldi", in: Elio Nenci (ed.), Bernardino Baldi (1553-1617) studioso rinascimentale: poesia, storia, linguistica, meccanica, architettura, FrancoAngeli, Milano 2005, pp. 303-316. _____________________________________________________________________________ Becchi A. "Baustatik", in: Friedrich Jaeger (ed.), Enzyklopädie der Neuzeit, J.B. Metzlersche Verlagsbuchhandlung und Carl Ernst Poeschel Verlag, Stuttgart/Weimar 2005, vol. I, col. 1093-1100. _____________________________________________________________________________ Becchi A. "Vaults in the Air: Signor Fabritio's English Theory", in: Santiago Huerta (ed.), Essays in the history of the theory of structures. In honour of Jacques Heyman, CEHOPU, CEDEX, Instituto Juan de Herrera, Madrid 2005, pp. 45-59. _____________________________________________________________________________ Becchi A. "88317.63520 Tarli della storia, piatti di lenticchie e vecchie zie", in: Giovanni Mochi (ed.), Theory and Practice of Construction: Knowledge, Means, Models, Edizioni Moderna, Ravenna 2005, vol. I, pp. 57-62. _____________________________________________________________________________ Schlimme H. "The 'online glossary of historical italian building terms': its context and some examples of entries", in: Theory and Practice of construction: knowledge, instruments, models. Didactic and research experiences. Conference Proceedings. Ravenna: 2005, p. 859-862. Publication available as pdf _____________________________________________________________________________ Schlimme H. "An Online Glossary of Historical Italian Building Terms", in: Construction History Society Newsletter, no. 71, May 2005, p.11-12. Publication available as pdf _____________________________________________________________________________ Bührig C. "Alle Wege führen nach Rom. Die Einbindung der Dekapolisstädte in das römische Verkehrsnetz", in: Riedl N., Salje B., Schauerte G. (eds.), Begleitband zur Ausstellung Gesichter des Orients. 10 000 Jahre Kunst und Kultur aus Jordanien, Philipp von Zabern, Mainz 2004. _____________________________________________________________________________ Becchi A. Q. XVI. Leonardo, Galileo e il caso Baldi: Magonza, 26 Marzo 1621 Venezia: Marsilio 2004. Reviewed by Michele Camerota in: Nuncius. Journal of the History of Science, Vol. 21, n.1, 2006, pp. 160-162. _________________________________________________________________________ Becchi A., Corradi M., Foce F., Pedemonte O. (eds.) Construction History. Research Perspectives in Europe Firenze: Kim Williams Books 2004 ____________________________________________________________________________ Schlimme H. "Bautechnisches Wissen in Italien von 1600 bis 1750: Architekten, Ingenieure, Mathematiker und Naturwissenschaftler im Vergleich", in: Jahrbuch der Max-Planck-Gesellschaft 2004. Publikation online und als pdf verfügbar _____________________________________________________________________________ Bienert H.D., Bührig C. "Archäologie - vom Abenteuer zur Wissenschaft. Spuren deutscher archäologischer Forschung in Jordanien", in: Riedl N., Salje B., Schauerte G. (eds.), Begleitband zur Ausstellung Gesichter des Orients. 10 000 Jahre Kunst und Kultur aus Jordanien, Philipp von Zabern, Mainz 2004. _____________________________________________________________________________ Fauerbach U. "Tempelbau in der Ptolemaierzeit. Der Pylon des Horus-Tempels von Edfu", in: Schwandner E.L., Rheidt K. (eds.), Macht der Architektur - Architektur der Macht. Bericht über ein Kolloquium veranstaltet vom Architektur-Referat des DAI in Berlin vom 30. Oktober bis 2. November 2002, Diskussionen zur Archäologischen Bauforschung 8, Philipp von Zabern, Mainz 2004, pp. 24–33. _____________________________________________________________________________ Fauerbach U. "Das Portal des großen Pylons von Edfu", in: Koldewey-Gesellschaft (eds.), Bericht über die 42. Tagung für Ausgrabungswissenschaft und Bauforschung vom 08. Mai bis 12. Mai 2002 in München, Stuttgart 2004, pp. 248–255. _____________________________________________________________________________ Kurapkat D. "Die frühneolithischen Bauanlagen auf dem Göbekli Tepe in Obermesopotamien (Südosttürkei)", in: Koldewey-Gesellschaft (eds.), Bericht über die 42. Tagung für Ausgrabungswissenschaft und Bauforschung vom 08. Mai bis 12. Mai 2002 in München, Stuttgart 2004, pp. 256–267. _____________________________________________________________________________ Kurapkat D. "Die ehemalige Allerheiligenkapelle in Esslingen am Neckar. Neue Untersuchungen an einem staufischen Bauwerk in Schwaben", in: Zeiträume. Festschrift für Wulf Schirmer, Architectura 34, 2004, pp. 142-154. _____________________________________________________________________________ Becchi A., "Before 1695. The static of arches between France and Italy" , in S. Huerta (ed.), Proceedings of the First International Congress on Construction History (Madrid, 20th - 24th January 2003), Instituto Juan de Herrera, Madrid 2003, vol. I, pp. 353-364. _____________________________________________________________________________ Bührig C. "Von der befestigten Kuppensiedlung zur repräsentativen Straßensiedlung entlang der Ost-West-Achse. Wachstumsphasen der hellenistisch-römischen Stadt Gadara" , in: Deutsches Archäologisches Institut (ed.), Die Stadt als Großbaustelle. Von der Antike bis zur Neuzeit, Berlin 2003, pp. 56-65. _____________________________________________________________________________ Becchi A., Corradi M., Foce F., Pedemonte O. (eds.) Essays on the history of mechanics. Basel; Boston; Berlin: Birkhäuser 2003. Reviewed by Tom F. Peters in: Technology and Culture, Vol. 46, n.4, 2005, pp. 875-876. _____________________________________________________________________________ Bührig C., Riedl N. "Eine überregionale Verkehrsverbindung in flavischer Zeit" , in: Olshausen E. , Sonnabend H. (eds.), Stuttgarter Kolloquium zur Historischen Geographie des Altertums 7, 1999. Zu Wasser und zu Land. Verkehrswege in der Antiken Welt (=Geographica Historica 17), Stuttgart 2002, pp. 263-272. _________________________________________________________________________ Becchi A., Corradi M., Foce F., Pedemonte O. (eds.) Towards a History of Construction. Dedicated to Edoardo Benvenuto. Basel; Boston; Berlin: Birkhäuser 2002. Reviewed by Peter Schreiber in: NTM. International Journal of History and Ethics of Natural Sciences, Technology and Medecine, n.s., Vol. 13, n.1, 2005, p. 64. _____________________________________________________________________________ Becchi A., Foce F. Degli archi e delle volte. Arte del costruire tra meccanica e stereotomia. Venezia: Marsilio 2002 _____________________________________________________________________________ |